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Extreme Makeovers: Damaged Hair

Balayage, extreme color, extreme style… as hair color and complex treatments have continued to soar in popularity; more and more men and women are exploring new color, style and hair design. At times, especially when practiced at home or with improperly trained stylists, extreme damage can occur including breakage, discoloration, and even loss of hair. 

No matter the severity of the damage, these circumstances require the expertise of professional stylists to properly repair broken, damaged and discolored tresses. Every day, Boca Beauty Academy students undergo extensive training and real-world situations to learn and practice for the most extreme circumstances in our on-campus salons. To learn how our students are making the cut when it comes to repairing and restoring hair, first let’s take a look at the “root” of the cause.

What causes damaged hair?

Damaged hair can be caused by a variety of factors, such as over-exposure to the sun, heated styling tools, overuse or improper use of chemical treatments like dyes, bleaches, and relaxers, cheap over the counter hair products and even simply a lack of proper care such as excessive tugging, pulling and styling of hair. Heat styling tools such as curling irons, straightening irons, and blow dryers are particularly damaging to the hair shaft if used too often, on wet hair or at high temperatures. Other styling products like hair sprays and gels may contain harsh chemicals that can dry out your hair and weaken it over time.

Environmental factors like sun exposure, chlorine in swimming pools and air pollution can also alter the health of your locks. Professional and student stylists will evaluate these possibilities plus habits of frequent shampooing or bleaching that can strip away natural oils from your scalp and protect the strands from breakage. Ultimately, each factor or a combination can lead to split ends, breakage, discoloration and dullness. This damage affects not only the texture of the hair but also its strength, vibrancy and shine.

Boca Beauty Academy students to the rescue!

At Boca Beauty Academy, our students are educated on all of the latest techniques to repair damaged hair. Our on-campus salons provide students with real-world experience and beauty challenges to prepare them for every situation and circumstance that may grace their chair. These techniques include using heat styling tools, color correction, coloring or perming damaged hair, and using conditioners, masks and other repair treatments.

Each technique has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. For example, heat styling tools can help to repair damaged hair by sealing in moisture and protecting the hair from further damage. However, heat styling tools can also cause damage to the hair if they are not used properly.

Coloring damaged hair can also help to repair it by adding moisture and shine. However, it is important to be careful when coloring damaged hair because it can also cause more damage if it is not done correctly. This is why it is excruciatingly important to us to not only teach our students the most updated and correct methods but also give them real salon experience so that they are ready for any challenge.

Repairing Heat Damage

Heat damage is one of the most common types of damage that we see in the salon. If you suspect that a client’s hair has heat damage, take a look at the following signs: 

  • Dryness and dullness
  • Brittle texture 
  • Split ends 
  • Unruly frizz 
  • Incorrect or faded hair color
  • Knots and tangles
  • Broken hair strands

If a client’s hair is showing any of these signs, they are likely in need of treatment. Cosmetologists today are well trained and equipped with some of the most advanced products and training to correct and reverse the damage which varies in every situation based on the cause. Correction treatments range from trimming damaged hair, bonding treatments, salon-grade moisturizing treatments and updated hairstyles that require less styling and products.

Keratin treatments are one of the most popular options for repairing damaged hair. Keratin is a protein that naturally occurs in your hair, and it helps to give your hair its strength and structure. When your hair is damaged, the keratin proteins can become depleted, leading to weak and brittle hair. Keratin treatments replenish these proteins, giving your hair new life. Another option is a bond-building treatment that helps to repair and strengthen the hair, or fortifying products specifically designed for weak and damaged hair.

Repairing Color Damage

Color damage is another common type of damage that we see in the salon. It can be caused by anything from over-processing to using the wrong type of color products. Color damage may look like: 

  • Fading color 
  • Brassy tones 
  • Dryness 
  • Breakage 
  • Split ends 

Salon-grade products for correction help to repair and protect color-treated hair from fading and restore its healthy appearance. 

Repairing Chemical Damage

Chemical damage can be caused by anything from perms and straightening treatments to bleaching and highlights. If your hair is severely damaged, you may need a protein reconstruction treatment. Protein reconstructions work by rebuilding the inner structure of your hair shafts using proteins and amino acids. 

When it comes to damaged hair, today’s solutions can correct hair often in a single visit as evidenced in Boca Beauty Academy’s salons daily. Our students are expertly prepared to take on the most challenging issues in every type of hair. If you’re looking to explore your creativity and pursue your passion for the beauty industry, Boca Beauty Academy’s accredited Master Hair Design program will provide you with the skills and hands-on training you need to pursue a successful future as a cosmetologist.  Visit our website to take our 3-minute Career-Readiness test and find out if a career as a Hair Design professional is right for you.